Religie i kościoły w Polsce - Luteranie

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- Jak widzę, to Luteranie dalej tkwią w średniowieczu. A ta spowiedź powszechna i ten tekst-to wszystko przypomina rzymski katolicyzm. Obrazy, rzeżby i bogactwo wystroju to jednak wbrew przeciwko 2-mu przykazaniu z Dekalogu. Kościół współczesny powinien iść z duchem czasu, a tutaj głębokie średniowiecze szczególnie w tzw. liturgii. Ja się w takim Kościele protestanckim nie odnajduję.
- Są dowody oraz  ludzie  którym objawiła  się Matka Boska ,Jezus- i tylko chrześcijanie mają udowodnione objawienia i cuda ( np.  cud w Fatimie widziało 7000 tys. Ludzi ) Matka prosiła żeby modlić się przez różaniec .( w Kairze cud ukazywania się Matki widziało 50000 tyś ludzi są też fotografie ), ale ludzka zachłanność i lenistwo zapominają o tym - Ewangelicy podporządkowali sobie wiarę tak aby była jak najłatwiejsza do wyznawania i przestrzegania reguł . Proszę pokazać dowody że ewangelizm to religia zgodna z nauką Jezusa że Jezus Objawił się i powiedział że wasza wiara jest prawdziwa i zgodna z moimi naukami
- Zmiana języka na wiele się nie zdała- bo lud nadal został ciemny.
- Co ja widzę! że miał być postęp a dokonał się tylko "podział" na papierze.
Zgroza jak to ludzkie bajanie zwodzi ludzi :( nie ma nikogo kto by ufał Bogu?
- Perhaps you won't find this as fascinating as I did, but Fr. Charles sent me this video today about Lutherans in Poland. I watched all forty-seven minutes of it and was positively entranced. It seems to be some kind of documentary, but there's no voiceover, just raw footage. Among other things you'll see parts of a typical Divine Service, you'll see a baptism, part of a wedding, and part of a rite of Confirmation. You'll also see a tent-meeting, for some strange reason (notably, there's some schmucky American revivalist preacher presiding, and everything looks and feels awkward).

The whole thing is in Polish, but after awhile you sort of start to gain a sense of what is being said. For example, because of the similarity to the ordo of the Common Service, it's pretty easy to tell when they're saying the Our Father and the Creed due to the posture, the sequence, the cadence of the voices, etc.

It's always nice to be reminded of the fact that Lutheranism is not indigenous to America. This is something that's both completely obvious yet easy to forget at the same time. Perhaps this is truer for those of us who are younger and/or newer to the gnesio-Lutheran tradition; perhaps it's just me. Speaking for myself, I sometimes need to be reminded that the American idioms of Lutheranism, even at their best, are by no means definitive. I find that it's easy unconsciously to gauge other Lutheran church bodies against the LCMS. (Dr. Stephenson, I don't know if the faithful in the LCC do the same thing, or if it's just our USA hubris!) For me, glimpses into world Lutheranism like this are comforting -- not because I espouse some weird form of theological xenocentrism, but because it's good to be reminded that the Lutheran confession is catholic, and that we American Lutherans are not alone as we walk the "lonely way" of orthodoxy.

Some things of note. Perhaps some of you can shed a bit of light on them:

It sounds as if the Verba are continuously chanted during the distribution, or perhaps it's one of the other ordinaries (the Agnus Dei?) pointed to the same tune?

Even the most humble of the churches featured still look like churches.

At all points during the rite of Confirmation, the confirmands cross themselves thrice as we would do during the announcement of the Gospel reading: forehead, lips, heart, all with the right thumb.

Anyway, just thought I would pass this along! Blessed Epiphany-tide to you.
- Zapraszamy do uczestnictwa w dyskusji.


Widziało: 4886 w ods.
Trwa: 47m 34s w s.
Ocena: 20 w pkt.
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